By:  Truan                                            S.B. No. 1676
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the responsibility of certain governmental entities or
    1-2  corporations created by governmental entities under the Solid Waste
    1-3  Disposal Act.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subsections (g) and (h), Section 361.275, Health
    1-6  and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
    1-7        (g)  A person is not responsible under Section 361.271, as an
    1-8  owner of real property, for solid waste existing at the time of
    1-9  acquisition of the real property by the governmental entity or
   1-10  corporation described below if the person can establish the
   1-11  following by a preponderance of the evidence:
   1-12              (1)  that the person is a governmental entity, as
   1-13  defined in Section 2252.001(2), Government Code, or a corporation
   1-14  created by a governmental entity;
   1-15              (2)  that the governing body of the governmental entity
   1-16  or the governing body of the governmental entity that created the
   1-17  corporation specifically found and declared in a resolution
   1-18  authorizing the acquisition of real property that:
   1-19                    (A)   the real property is part of an area which
   1-20  is principally residential in use or design;
   1-21                    (B)  the real property is located in proximity to
   1-22  industrial development;
   1-23                    (C)  the area contains or is significantly
    2-1  threatened with air, ground, or water pollution;
    2-2                    (D)  use of the area for residential purposes is
    2-3  incompatible with the proximate industrial development;
    2-4                    (E)  the public health, safety, and welfare will
    2-5  be promoted if the real property is acquired for nonresidential
    2-6  purposes;
    2-7                    (F)  the acquisition is part of a plan of the
    2-8  public entity or corporation for terminating incompatible
    2-9  residential or other uses in the area; and
   2-10                    (G)  the proposed resolution was published in a
   2-11  newspaper of general local circulation in the county in which the
   2-12  property is located, at least 30 days before adoption of the
   2-13  resolution;
   2-14              (3)  that the governing body filed its resolution with
   2-15  the commission and the commission did not object in writing
   2-16  delivered to the governing body within 30 days of receipt by the
   2-17  commission; and
   2-18              (4)  that the properties acquired are restricted by
   2-19  covenants running with the land, recorded in the deed records of
   2-20  the county, and enforceable by the governmental entity, prohibiting
   2-21  residential uses and specifically stating that the property was
   2-22  acquired under this subsection.
   2-23        (h)  This section does not decrease the liability of a
   2-24  previous owner or operator of a facility who is liable under this
   2-25  chapter.  If the defendant obtained actual knowledge of the release
    3-1  or threatened release of a hazardous substance at a facility at the
    3-2  time the defendant owned the real property on which the facility is
    3-3  located and subsequently transferred ownership of the property to
    3-4  another person without disclosing that knowledge, the defendant is
    3-5  liable and a defense under this section is not available to the
    3-6  defendant.
    3-7        (i) <(h)>  Subsections (e)-(h) <(e)-(g)> do not affect the
    3-8  liability under this chapter of a defendant who, by an act or
    3-9  omission, caused or contributed to the release or threatened
   3-10  release of a hazardous substance that is the subject of the action
   3-11  concerning the facility.
   3-12        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-13  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-14  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-15  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-16  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   3-17  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   3-18  passage, and it is so enacted.