1-1  By:  Haywood                                          S.C.R. No. 30
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed January 19, 1995; January 23, 1995,
    1-3  read first time and referred to Committee on Administration;
    1-4  February 7, 1995, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas
    1-5  5, Nays 0; February 7, 1995, sent to printer.)
    1-6                     SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-7        WHEREAS, For each of the last 47 years, the YMCAs of Texas
    1-8  have sponsored a youth and government program having as its purpose
    1-9  the training of the state's youth in the process of representative
   1-10  government and democracy; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Participants are elected by their local YMCA youth
   1-12  clubs or high schools, and preparatory district conferences set
   1-13  agendas for the annual program and acquaint the youth with
   1-14  governmental processes; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Plans currently are under way for the 48th and 49th
   1-16  annual Texas YMCA model legislatures and judicial sessions to be
   1-17  held in Austin; contemplated dates for those sessions are Thursday
   1-18  through Sunday, February 23-26, 1995, and February 22-25, 1996,
   1-19  with opening sessions each year planned for Thursday evening and
   1-20  mock legislative sessions planned for Friday and Saturday; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, The YMCA youth and government program provides a
   1-22  valuable and comprehensive educational experience, and the
   1-23  legislature supports the program as a means of developing an
   1-24  informed citizenry and as a training ground for future state
   1-25  officials; now, therefore, be it
   1-26        RESOLVED, That the 74th Legislature of the State of Texas
   1-27  hereby grant permission to the YMCA youth and government program,
   1-28  in accordance with the rules of the house and senate and the
   1-29  respective policies of their committees on administration, to use
   1-30  the house and senate chambers on February 23, 24, and 25, 1995, and
   1-31  on February 22, 23, and 24, 1996, provided that the house of
   1-32  representatives and senate are not in session.
   1-33                               * * * * *