By:  Truan                                             S.R. No. 277
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is very pleased
    1-3  to recognize J. C. and Wanda Barr who have been named recipients of
    1-4  the Citizens of the Year Award for 1995 by the Port Aransas Chamber
    1-5  of Commerce; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Barr came to the island 30 years ago,
    1-7  and they brought with them a vision of helping to make Port Aransas
    1-8  a better place to live and to visit; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, J. C. and Wanda have a loving family which serves
   1-10  as the central part of their lives together; their children,
   1-11  Jimmy Barr and Linda Zahn, have gifted them with seven grandchildren
   1-12  and five great-grandchildren; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Mr. Barr has served his beloved little city
   1-14  continually since his arrival in 1964; he was a member of the Nueces
   1-15  County Park Board and the Nueces County Dune Protection Committee;
   1-16  elected mayor of Port Aransas in 1988, Mr. Barr has served for two
   1-17  additional terms; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Perhaps the most influential legacy that Mr. Barr
   1-19  has bequeathed to the community was the building of condominiums
   1-20  and the establishment of Port Aransas as a thriving tourist
   1-21  destination; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, Due to Mr. Barr's persistent efforts the idea of
   1-23  building Port Aransas into a year-round tourist resort spread, and
    2-1  now Port Aransas welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors each
    2-2  year; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, Both J. C. and Wanda Barr have been honored by
    2-4  the hospitality industry as recipients of the Hospitality Award
    2-5  for outstanding contributions to the tourist industry; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, Noted for his ready smile and warm handshake, Jay
    2-7  was a charter member of the Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce and
    2-8  Mustang Island Area Chamber of Commerce and has served three times
    2-9  as its president; and
   2-10        WHEREAS, Widely regarded for her graciousness and charm,
   2-11  Wanda Barr has been an invaluable asset to many community projects;
   2-12  Mrs. Barr has been involved with the hospitality industry and works
   2-13  with the Port Aransas Garden Club and the Tuesday Lunch Bunch; and
   2-14        WHEREAS, J. C. and Wanda have contributed immeasurably to
   2-15  the growth and financial well-being of Port Aransas and are worthy
   2-16  of legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-17        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-18  74th Legislature, hereby congratulate J. C. and Wanda Barr for
   2-19  their incomparable service to their island and for being named
   2-20  Citizens of the Year by the Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce with
   2-21  best wishes for more success in the years ahead; and, be it further
   2-22        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   2-23  Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barr as an expression of the highest esteem of
   2-24  the Texas Senate.
   2-25                               ______________________________________
    3-1                                       President of the Senate
    3-2                                    I hereby certify that the above
    3-3                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
    3-4                               on February 20, 1995.
    3-5                               ______________________________________
    3-6                                       Secretary of the Senate
    3-7                               ______________________________________
    3-8                                        Member, Texas Senate