By:  Gallegos                                          S.R. No. 283
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pride in
    1-3  recognizing the members of Houstonians for Public Education for
    1-4  their efforts to improve the educational system in Houston; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, The members of Houstonians for Public Education
    1-6  are exemplary citizens who have dedicated their time and energy
    1-7  to procuring the funds necessary to provide the Houston
    1-8  schoolchildren with quality education; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, The organization has held town meetings and has
   1-10  hosted a number of events at which parents and educators have
   1-11  shared their ideas about the Houston educational system; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Since the future of Texas depends largely on its
   1-13  children and their ability to meet the challenges of tomorrow, the
   1-14  work of Houstonians for Public Education has had a positive impact
   1-15  on the entire state and is truly a model organization for other
   1-16  cities; now, therefore, be it
   1-17        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   1-18  74th Legislature, hereby commend the members of Houstonians for
   1-19  Public Education for their contributions to the lives of countless
   1-20  young Texans and to our state; and, be it further
   1-21        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   1-22  them as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
   1-23                               ______________________________________
    2-1                                       President of the Senate
    2-2                                    I hereby certify that the above
    2-3                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
    2-4                               on February 21, 1995.
    2-5                               ______________________________________
    2-6                                       Secretary of the Senate
    2-7                               ______________________________________
    2-8                                        Member, Texas Senate