By:  Turner                                            S.R. No. 578
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
    1-3  recognize Texas A&M University student Kellie Sims who was recently
    1-4  honored as one of 60 students named to three USA Today 1995 All-USA
    1-5  College Academic Teams; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, The award honors students who combine academic
    1-7  brilliance with energetic leadership and a desire to use their
    1-8  talents to help others; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Kellie, a senior majoring in political science, was
   1-10  recognized for implementing and coordinating an elementary school
   1-11  mentor program; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, While she was a sophomore, she learned that a mentor
   1-13  program was needed at a local elementary school; she, a friend, and
   1-14  a graduate student started a "Saturday School" program at Kemp
   1-15  Elementary School in Bryan; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Several predominantly black organizations at
   1-17  Texas A&M sent students to mentor black youths at Kemp Elementary
   1-18  on Saturdays; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, The mentors tutored students in a variety of
   1-20  subjects, or spent time with them just visiting; there were not a
   1-21  lot of black teachers at the school, and the A&M students felt it
   1-22  was important that black children understand that they could get
   1-23  out of the rough neighborhoods that they were living in and make
    2-1  good lives for themselves; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Kellie and her friends were not seeking recognition;
    2-3  they saw a need in the community and responded by trying to fill
    2-4  that need; she was not even aware that there was a USA Today
    2-5  contest; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, Kellie's future plans include attending law school
    2-7  and pursuing a master's degree in public policy; now, therefore,
    2-8  be it
    2-9        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-10  74th Legislature, hereby congratulate Kellie Sims for her
   2-11  outstanding achievement in being named to one of three USA Today
   2-12  1995 All-USA College Academic Teams; and, be it further
   2-13        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for her
   2-14  as an expression of the highest esteem of the Texas Senate.
   2-15                               ______________________________________
   2-16                                       President of the Senate
   2-17                                    I hereby certify that the above
   2-18                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
   2-19                               on April 3, 1995.
   2-20                               ______________________________________
   2-21                                       Secretary of the Senate
   2-22                               ______________________________________
   2-23                                        Member, Texas Senate