By:  Whitmire                                          S.R. No. 646
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pride in
    1-3  recognizing Clifton Middle School of Houston on the occasion of
    1-4  its celebration of Law Day USA on April 28, 1995; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, In 1961, the United States Congress proclaimed
    1-6  May 1 as Law Day, a day for recognition of the invaluable role
    1-7  of law in American life; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Every year, bar associations, civic groups,
    1-9  government officials, and educators across America participate
   1-10  in Law Day activities on or around May 1; the 1995 Law Day theme
   1-11  is "E Pluribus Unum--Out of Many, One" in celebration of the rich
   1-12  diversity of the American people and our shared trust in the rule
   1-13  of law; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, The United States of America has been the citadel
   1-15  of individual liberty, hope, and opportunity for more than 200
   1-16  years, and the foundation of this liberty and our freedom is in the
   1-17  heart of the body of law that governs us, the Constitution of the
   1-18  United States of America and the Bill of Rights; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, This year marks the 38th annual nationwide observance
   1-20  of Law Day, and it is an opportunity for Texans to give thanks for
   1-21  our many freedoms, including freedom of religious belief, freedom
   1-22  of assembly, freedom to have and hold property inviolate, freedom
   1-23  of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of petition, and other
    2-1  freedoms guaranteed by due process of the law; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, The celebration of Law Day by the faculty, staff,
    2-3  administration, and students of Clifton Middle School is exemplary
    2-4  and inspirational and demonstrates their active interest in our
    2-5  governmental process, the preservation of our democratic heritage,
    2-6  and the place of law in American life; now, therefore, be it
    2-7        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
    2-8  74th Legislature, hereby express appreciation to Clifton Middle
    2-9  School for its participation in Law Day USA of 1995 and urge all
   2-10  Texans to join them in commemorating and paying tribute to the
   2-11  role of law in our lives; and, be it further
   2-12        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   2-13  Clifton Middle School as an expression of esteem from the
   2-14  Texas Senate.
   2-15                               ______________________________________
   2-16                                       President of the Senate
   2-17                                    I hereby certify that the above
   2-18                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
   2-19                               on April 6, 1995.
   2-20                               ______________________________________
   2-21                                       Secretary of the Senate
   2-22                               ______________________________________
   2-23                                        Member, Texas Senate