By:  Nixon                                             S.R. No. 673
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Senate join the citizens of
    1-3  Nacogdoches and the entire State of Texas in expressing genuine
    1-4  pride in and great admiration for the extraordinary act of heroism
    1-5  of three teenagers recently; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Linda and Timothy Kindered were walking to their
    1-7  home on Powers Street with their friend, Turon Davis, when they
    1-8  noticed smoke coming from behind Johnny Wingo's house; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, The 86-year-old man was asleep in the front bedroom
   1-10  of his home around 3:45 p.m. when his house caught on fire; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, At first the trio thought someone might be burning
   1-12  leaves in the backyard until they saw flames coming from the back
   1-13  of the house; they knew someone lived in the house, but did not
   1-14  know if anyone was home at the time; the youngsters dropped the
   1-15  books they were carrying and ran to the house to check; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Turon began knocking on the door and pushing it
   1-17  with his shoulder until Timothy kicked the door open; they roused
   1-18  Mr. Wingo from his sleep and pulled him to safety while Linda ran
   1-19  down the street to call 911; the two boys tried unsuccessfully to
   1-20  put out the fire before help began to arrive; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Fire officials agreed Mr. Wingo might have died of
   1-22  smoke inhalation if the children had not responded to the situation
   1-23  so quickly; the three left the scene of the fire after paramedics
    2-1  arrived and the man was safely outside; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Linda and Timothy Kindered sell newspapers after
    2-3  school and were surprised to see the Saturday account of the fire
    2-4  with a headline telling of a search for the unknown heroes; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, Thanks to the quick thinking and selfless actions
    2-6  of Linda, Turon, and Timothy, Mr. Wingo is alive and well; through
    2-7  the disregard of their own safety, the brave teenagers saved the
    2-8  life of another; and
    2-9        WHEREAS, These worthy young people have brought honor to
   2-10  themselves, their families, and their community; it is truly an
   2-11  inspiration to us all that such compassion and concern for another
   2-12  human being exists in the world today; and
   2-13        WHEREAS, It is fitting that the Senate of the State of Texas
   2-14  commend the valor of Linda, Timothy, and Turon and recognize them
   2-15  as excellent citizens of Texas; now, therefore, be it
   2-16        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-17  74th Legislature, hereby express its appreciation to Linda and
   2-18  Timothy Kindered and Turon Davis for their courage in responding
   2-19  to a dangerous situation that resulted in saving the life of an
   2-20  elderly man; and, be it further
   2-21        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for them
   2-22  as a token of the admiration of the Texas Senate.
   2-23                               ______________________________________
   2-24                                       President of the Senate
   2-25                                    I hereby certify that the above
    3-1                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
    3-2                               on April 11, 1995.
    3-3                               ______________________________________
    3-4                                       Secretary of the Senate
    3-5                               ______________________________________
    3-6                                        Member, Texas Senate