S.R. No. 860
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, On Saturday, May 6, 1995, all former students of
    1-3  Falfurrias High School who attended the school in the 1950s will
    1-4  gather together at the Holiday Inn Emerald Beach Motel in
    1-5  Corpus Christi for a school reunion; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, The organizing committee of students who attended
    1-7  Falfurrias during that decade has planned a special occasion based
    1-8  on the theme of life in the 1950s; alumni will reunite or meet
    1-9  other former students during the reception which will be followed
   1-10  by a dinner dance featuring music from that era; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Former students will have the opportunity to
   1-12  reacquaint themselves with one another over old photographs or
   1-13  reminisce about happy times shared during their high school days;
   1-14  and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Approximately 300 former students will attend the
   1-16  happy event to rekindle the bonds of lasting devotion to Falfurrias
   1-17  High School and to one another; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Now grown, many with children of their own of high
   1-19  school age, these men and women were privileged to live during an
   1-20  era of stability and peace when their community was a safe haven
   1-21  for teenagers; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, These former students of Falfurrias High School
   1-23  pause in their busy careers to share their memories of this
    2-1  particular time in their lives and to recall favorite teachers
    2-2  who guided their progress; now, therefore, be it
    2-3        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
    2-4  74th Legislature, hereby extend best wishes to the alumni of
    2-5  Falfurrias High School for a most rewarding reunion; and, be
    2-6  it further
    2-7        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as
    2-8  a memento of this joyous celebration from the Texas Senate.
    2-9                                                 Truan
   2-10        Armbrister           Henderson           Ratliff
   2-11        Barrientos           Leedom              Rosson
   2-12        Bivins               Lucio               Shapiro
   2-13        Brown                Luna                Sibley
   2-14        Cain                 Madla               Sims
   2-15        Ellis                Moncrief            Turner
   2-16        Gallegos             Montford            Wentworth
   2-17        Galloway             Nelson              West
   2-18        Harris               Nixon               Whitmire
   2-19        Haywood              Patterson           Zaffirini
   2-20                   Bullock, President of the Senate
   2-21                               ______________________________________
   2-22                                       President of the Senate
   2-23                                    I hereby certify that the above
   2-24                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
   2-25                               on April 28, 1995.
    3-1                               ______________________________________
    3-2                                       Secretary of the Senate
    3-3                               ______________________________________
    3-4                                         Dean of the Senate