By:  Sibley                                           S.R. No. 1236
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, Competing against senior division teams from schools
    1-3  across the state, the Dublin High School Future Problem Solving Team
    1-4  won first place, and the Senate of the State of Texas is proud to
    1-5  recognize them; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Team members Dan Stewart, Dustin Hodge, Justin Farr,
    1-7  and Zac House won first place, scholarships of $1,000 each, and
    1-8  the right to represent Texas at the international competition in
    1-9  Rhode Island in June; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, This was the fourth consecutive year students from
   1-11  Dublin schools represented their city in Austin at the Texas Future
   1-12  Problem Solving Bowl; a total of 20 teams, including three from
   1-13  Dublin, competed at the state level; Dublin was the only school to
   1-14  have three teams qualify for the bowl contest; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Future Problem Solving is a unique concept created
   1-16  in 1974 by Dr. Paul E. Torrance, an expert in creative thinking; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, The approach combines research and a creative
   1-18  approach to world problems; it is a year-long educational process,
   1-19  under the Gifted and Talented Division of the Central Education
   1-20  Agency, in which young people are challenged to solve problems
   1-21  related to different topics of global significance; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, This year, the practice topic was "cities and
   1-23  homelessness"; the topic for the right to compete at state
    2-1  was "kids and violence," and the topic at the state level was
    2-2  "prejudice"; the topic for international competition is "privacy";
    2-3  and
    2-4        WHEREAS, Each team member felt lucky to be on a team with
    2-5  experienced teammates and a good sponsor, Mrs. Vicky Stone; they
    2-6  also credited their sponsor with keeping them interested; and
    2-7        WHEREAS, The team exercised individual discipline which
    2-8  was apparent in their excellent showing against their tournament
    2-9  opponents; they have brought honor to their parents, their school,
   2-10  their city, and their state; now, therefore, be it
   2-11        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-12  74th Legislature, hereby commend and applaud the victory of Dublin
   2-13  High School at the Texas Future Problem Solving Bowl; and, be it
   2-14  further
   2-15        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   2-16  the Dublin High School team as a token of the highest esteem of
   2-17  the Texas Senate.
   2-18                               ______________________________________
   2-19                                       President of the Senate
   2-20                                    I hereby certify that the above
   2-21                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
   2-22                               on May 25, 1995.
   2-23                               ______________________________________
   2-24                                       Secretary of the Senate
   2-25                               ______________________________________
    3-1                                        Member, Texas Senate