By:  Ellis                                            S.R. No. 1284
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The marriage of two young people is a joyous event
    1-3  accompanied by much preparation and anticipation by all parties
    1-4  involved; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Olga Anaya and Joseph Wilson will be united in
    1-6  marriage on June 11, 1995, at the River Oaks Garden Club in
    1-7  Houston, Texas; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Anaya, and
    1-9  the mother of the groom, Mrs. Shirley Hylton, are eagerly awaiting
   1-10  the nuptial vows of their beloved children; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Their families, relatives, and friends share the
   1-12  happy couple's warmth and happiness in full measure as the two
   1-13  families are brought together; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, The Texas Senate is pleased to send warmest
   1-15  congratulations to Olga and Joseph as they begin their new
   1-16  life together; now, therefore, be it
   1-17        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   1-18  74th Legislature, hereby recognize Olga Anaya and Joseph Wilson
   1-19  on the joyful occasion of their marriage and express sincere
   1-20  wishes for every happiness in the years ahead; and, be it further
   1-21        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   1-22  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson as an expression of the heartfelt esteem of
   1-23  the Texas Senate.
    2-1                               ______________________________________
    2-2                                       President of the Senate
    2-3                                    I hereby certify that the above
    2-4                               Resolution was adopted by the Senate
    2-5                               on May 27, 1995.
    2-6                               ______________________________________
    2-7                                       Secretary of the Senate
    2-8                               ______________________________________
    2-9                                        Member, Texas Senate