Suspending limitations on conference committee
                            jurisdiction, H.B. 1013
       By ____________________                               S.R. No. ____
       74R14347 RJA-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 74th
    1-2  Legislature, Regular Session, 1995, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
    1-3  suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08, to enable the
    1-4  conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on House
    1-5  Bill No. 1013 to consider and take action on the following matter:
    1-6        Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the committee to
    1-7  omit text that is not in disagreement in Section 61.084, Education
    1-8  Code.  The omitted text reads as follows:
    1-9        Sec. 61.084.  BOND ISSUANCE BY TEXAS PUBLIC FINANCE
   1-10  AUTHORITY.  (a)  The Texas Public Finance Authority shall exercise
   1-11  the board's authority provided by law to issue bonds and refunding
   1-12  bonds.  The Texas Public Finance Authority is subject to all
   1-13  rights, duties, and conditions provided by law with respect to
   1-14  issuance of bonds by the board.
   1-15        (b)  For purposes of Sections 50b, 50b-1, 50b-2, and 50b-3,
   1-16  Article III, Texas Constitution, the authority is the successor to
   1-17  the board.
   1-18        Explanation:  This change is necessary to conform the
   1-19  conference committee report to a senate amendment striking the
   1-20  Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board from the bill.
   1-22  Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B.
   1-23  1013.