Austin, Texas

                           FISCAL NOTE
                       74th Regular Session

                          April 27, 1995

 TO:     Honorable Hugo Berlanga, Chair         IN RE: Committee Substitute
         Committee on Public Health                             for House
         House of Representatives               Bill No. 299
         Austin, Texas

FROM: John Keel, Director

In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Bill No.
299 (relating to violations of rules or statutes applicable to
personal care facilities) this office has determined the

The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal
basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions
of the bill.

The bill amends Section 247, Health and Safety Code by
establishing administrative penalties for personal care
facilities and allows for inspections of personal care
facilities.  The Department of Human Services may conduct an exit
conference with the facility to advise the facility of any
findings resulting from the inspection.  The bill also allows
time and subsequent exit conferences to discuss any changes.  If
the facility is not satisfied with the findings, an informal
review may be conducted.  The bill also authorized the imposition
of administrative penalties, after notice an opportunity for a
hearing against a person who violates the applicable law.  After
the administrative penalty has been imposed, judicial review,
under the substantial evidence standard, is authorized.  If the
party fails to pay the administrative penalty, the matter is
referred to the Office of Attorney General for collection of the

The department utilized the following assumptions in determining
fiscal impact of this bill:    

*  10% of all licensed personal care facilities will have a
penalty assessed (69)
 *  of the 10%, 50% will appeal the penalty (35)
*  of the facilities that appeal, 50% will win their appeal (17).

Calculations of estimated personal care facilities beyond FY 1997
are based on a 10% increase per year.  The average penalty
assessed is estimated to be $500 and the gain to general revenue
is based on the number of facilities assessed penalties.

The Office of Attorney General estimates that the provisions of
this bill will generate a cost savings of $11,000 per fiscal

The probable fiscal implication of implementing the provisions of
the bill during each of the first  five years following passage
is estimated as follows:

            Fiscal  Probable Cost Out   Probable Cost Out   Probable Cost Out 
             Year      of  General       of  GR Match For   of  Federal Funds 
                     Revenue Fund 001        Medicaid              555        
          1996                 $20,041             $41,121            $113,562
          1997                  18,330              37,610             103,866
          1998                  19,314              39,631             109,445
          1999                  20,299              41,651             115,024
          2000                  21,284              43,671             120,603
            Fiscal  Probable Savings       Change in   
             Year     to   General      Number of State
                    Revenue Fund 001    Employees from 
                                            FY 1995    
          1996                 $36,000              2.0
          1997                  37,000              2.0
          1998                  39,500              2.0
          1999                  42,500              2.0
          2000                  46,000              2.0
       Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the
provisions of the bill are in effect.

Source:   Office of the Attorney General
          LBB Staff: JK, MU, DF