Austin, Texas

                           FISCAL NOTE
                       74th Regular Session

                          April 19, 1995

 TO:     Honorable John T. Montford, Chair      IN RE:  House Bill No. 699,
         Committee on Finance                                  as engrossed
         Senate                                         By: Culberson
         Austin, Texas

FROM: John Keel, Director

In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Bill No.
699 (Relating to the eligibility of certain military veterans and
other persons with military-related service and survivors of
certain military veterans to an exemption from tuition, fees, and
charges at a public institution of higher education if the person
is in default of an educational loan made under a federal
program.) this office has determined the following:

The bill would prevent persons whose federal education benefits
are extinguished because of a default on a student loan from
qualifying for Hazlewood Act benefits (V.T.C.A., Education Code
Section 54.203).  The estimates below assume one percent of
current Hazlewood Act benefit recipients would not qualify. 
Savings represent decreased formula funding requirements for
institutions of higher education.

The probable fiscal implication of implementing the provisions of
the bill during each of the first  five years following passage
is estimated as follows:

            Fiscal  Probable Savings 
             Year          to        
                    General Revenue  
                        Fund 001     
          1996               $218,000

        1997                   218,000

        1998                   218,000
        1999                   218,000

        2000                   218,000

       Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the
provisions of the bill are in effect.

Source:   Higher Education Coordinating Board
          LBB Staff: JK, MK, DF