LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 74th Regular Session May 8, 1995 TO: Honorable Robert Junell, Chair, Chair IN RE: Committee Substitute Committee on Appropriations for House of Representatives House Bill Austin, Texas No. 982 By: McDonald FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Bill No. 982 (Relating to the children's trust fund and the Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council operating fund.) this office has determined the following: The bill would change the limit on the amount of revenue that could be transferred from the Children's Trust Fund to the Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council Operating Account each fiscal year. Under current law, the Children's Trust Fund Council may not transfer more than 50 percent of the beginning balance from the trust fund to the operating fund each fiscal year. Under the proposed legislation, the council could transfer to the operating fund the amount deposited to the trust fund in the previous fiscal year. The bill would also modify the cap on council operating expenses. Because the council would have discretion over the amounts transferred between the trust and operating funds within the limits set out in the bill, the fiscal implications to the State cannot be determined. No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated. Source: LBB Staff: JK, RS, DF