Austin, Texas

                           FISCAL NOTE
                       74th Regular Session

                          March 12, 1995

 TO:     Honorable Steve Holzheauser, Chair     IN RE:  House Bill No. 1405
         Committee on Energy Resources                  By: Holzheauser
         House of Representatives
         Austin, Texas

FROM: John Keel, Director

In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Bill No.
1405 (Relating to facility response plans for hazardous liquids
pipelines.) this office has determined the following:

The bill would allow the Railroad Commission to make rules
requiring a hazardous liquid pipeline facility to submit a
facility response plan for any facility located landward of the
coast. The bill would require that the plan provide a response
for the worst case discharge and for a substantial threat of a
potential, environmentally harmful discharge into navigable
waters. These rules would not apply to a facility required to
submit a discharge prevention and response plan under the Texas
Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act of 1991.

While there would be incidental costs incurred in administering
the bill, it is anticipated that these could be absorbed within
the agency's budget. Any such costs would be paid from the Oil
Field Cleanup Receipts account.

No fiscal implication to the State or units of local government
is anticipated.

Source:   Railroad Commission
          LBB Staff: JK, KW, DF