LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 74th Regular Session May 1, 1995 TO: Honorable Debra Danburg, Chair IN RE: Committee Substitute Committee on Elections for House of Representatives House Bill Austin, Texas No. 2241 FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Bill No. 2241 (relating to certain election processes and procedures) this office has determined the following: The bill would amend the following sections of the Election Code: Section 13.104 would allow the election registrar to record the original registration applications and documentation on an optical disk or other computer storage medium approved by the Secretary of State; Section 31.124 would make a person ineligible to serve as an election officer if the person has been finally convicted of an offense in connection with conduct directly related to an election; Sections 32.002(c) and (d) would require that the presiding election judge of a county and the alternate presiding judge must be affiliated with different political parties. The County Commissioners Court would appoint the judge and alternate from names submitted by the county chairs of the political parties whose candidates for Governor received the highest and second highest number of votes in the county in the most recent gubernatorial general election. Section 127.201, as amended, would require that the manual tabulation of votes in certain precincts selected at random must be completed not later than the 21st day after election day. The Secretary of State, in the random vote count, would designate not more than three offices and not more than three propositions to be counted in the selected precincts. Section 171.022(d) would allow the state executive committee by rule to provide for the election of the county chair or precinct chairs of a particular county by plurality vote. Section 171.1221 would require a write-in candidate who is elected to the office of county or precinct chair to file a written declaration of acceptance of the office with the county executive committee within three days after the candidate receives notice of his/her election from the executive committee. No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. The fiscal implication to units of local government cannot be determined. Source: Secretary of State LBB Staff: JK, JC, RR