LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 74th Regular Session April 9, 1995 TO: Honorable Tom Craddick, Chair IN RE: House Joint Committee on Ways & Means Resolution House of Representatives No. 72 Austin, Texas By: Alexander FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on House Joint Resolution No. 72 (Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the ad valorem taxation of open-space land used for wildlife management.) this office has determined the following: The resolution , upon voter approval, would amend Article VIII, Section 1-d-1, Texas Constitution, by requiring the legislature to provide that laws allowing the taxation of land devoted to "wildlife management" be based on its productivity capacity. The resolution would add to the definition of "agricultural use" the use of land for "wildlife management". The resolution would also add a temporary provision to allow refunds for prior use as wildlife management land only if the property owner had challenged the land's taxable status before the effective date of this amendment. This temporary provision would expire January 1, 1998. The fiscal implication to the State or units of local government cannot be determined. The cost to the State for publication of the resolution is $90,000. Source: Comptroller of Public Accounts LBB Staff: JK, BR, DF