LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD Austin, Texas FISCAL NOTE 74th Regular Session February 8, 1995 TO: Honorable Bill Ratliff, Chair IN RE: Senate Bill No. 397 Committee on Education By: Ratliff Senate Austin, Texas FROM: John Keel, Director In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on Senate Bill No. 397 (Relating to service areas of community college districts.) this office has determined the following: The bill would establish service areas for community college districts and would obligate community colleges to provide prebacculaureate lower division academic education, workforce education and workforce training and services to residents and employers in their service areas within available state appropriations and local funds. The bill would authorize residents and employers within a community college district service area but outside the taxing area to request another institution to provide a service if the local district is unable to deliver the service. The bill does not change total state funding for community colleges but could cause a redistribution of funding among community college districts. The fiscal implication on community college districts cannot be determined. No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated. The fiscal implication to units of local government cannot be determined. Source: Comptroller of Public Accounts, Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness, Higher Education Coordinating Board LBB Staff: JK, LS, DF