Austin, Texas

                           FISCAL NOTE
                       74th Regular Session

                           May 2, 1995

 TO:     Honorable Don Henderson, Chair         IN RE:  Senate BillNo. 1687
         Committee on Jurisprudence                     By: Henderson
         Austin, Texas

FROM: John Keel, Director

In response to your request for a Fiscal Note on Senate Bill No.
1687 (relating to the creation of certain judicial districts and
to the offices of district attorney of certain judicial
districts) this office has determined the following:

The bill would make no appropriation but could provide the legal
basis for an appropriation of funds to implement the provisions
of the bill.

The bill would create the 378th Judicial District in Ellis
County, the 379th Judicial District in Fort Bend County, the
380th Judicial District in Collin County, the 381st Judicial
District in Starr County, the 382nd Judicial District in Rockwall
County, the 383rd Judicial District in El Paso County, the 384th
Judicial District in El Paso County and the 386th Judicial
District for Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis and
Presidio Counties.  Seven of the new district courts are created
effective September 1, 1995.  The 380th Judicial District is
created effective September 1, 1996. 

The annual cost to the counties is expected to be approximately:
$49,400 for Ellis County, $406,000 for Fort Bend County, $506,100
for Collin County, $229,621 for Starr County, $75,000 for
Rockwall County, $375,300 for El Paso County, and $238,040
divided among Brewster, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis and
Presidio Counties.  That is a total of $1,879,461 in annual costs
to local units of government.    

The probable fiscal implication of implementing the provisions of
the bill during each of the first  five years following passage
is estimated as follows:

            Fiscal  Probable Cost Out 
             Year      of  General    
                     Revenue Fund 001 
          1996                $714,287
          1997                 816,328
          1998                 816,328
          1999                 816,328
          2000                 816,328
       Similar annual fiscal implications would continue as long as the
provisions of the bill are in effect.

Source:   Comptroller of Public Accounts
          LBB Staff: JK, DC, RR