Amend Article I of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page I-10, appropriations for the Office of Attorney
General, revise rider 3.g.(Child Support Collections) to cite
Sections 231.208 and 231.0011 of the Family Code instead of
Sections 232.001 and 232.0011.
(2) On page I-45, appropriations for the General Services
Commission, modify item b(6) in rider #2(Capital Budget) to add
"(MLPP)" at the end of the item.
Amend Article II of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page II-3, appropriations to the Department on Aging,
revise rider #4(Expenditure Authority) to cite Section 394.902 of
the Local Government Code instead of Section 349.902.
(2) On page II-17, appropriations for the Interagency
Council on Early Childhood Intervention, reduce general revenue
appropriations for Strategy A.1.3., Resource Coordination, by
$2,001,478 in each fiscal year.
(3) On page II-44, appropriations for the Department of
Human Services, reduce Strategy A.1.3., LTC Eligibility & Services,
by $2,482,338 in 1998 and $4,764,676 in 1999.
(4) On page II-44, appropriations for the Department of
Human Services, increase Strategy A.1.1., Community Care Services,
by $3,292,225 in 1998 and $6,315,848 in 1999.
(5) On page II-47, appropriations for the Department of
Human Services, increase the method of financing from Federal Funds
by $809,887 in 1998 and $1,551,172 in 1999.
(6) On page II-47, appropriations for the Department of
Human Services, reduce the Number of Full-time Equivalent Positions
(FTE) funded by Agency Appropriations to 15,754 in 1998 and 15,747
in 1999.
(7) On page II-55, appropriations for the Department of
Mental Health and Mental Retardation, increase general revenue
appropriations for Strategy C.1.1., Assessment and Coordination, by
$873,352 in 1998 and $864,026 in 1999.
(8) On page II-55, appropriations for the Department of
Mental Health and Mental Retardation, increase general revenue
appropriations for Strategy C.1.3., Training Services, by
$1,128,126 in 1998 and $1,137,452 in 1999.
Amend Article III of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page III-13, appropriations for the Texas Education
Agency, revise rider #29 (Incentive Aid) to refer to Subchapter G
of Chapter 13 of the Texas Education Code instead of Subchapter 6.
(2) On page III-172, appropriations for Texas State
Technical College System Administration, amend rider #1 as follows:
1. Capital Budget. None of the funds appropriated
above may be expended for capital budget items except as listed
below. The amounts shown below shall be expended only for the
purposes shown and are not available for expenditure for other
purposes. Amounts appropriated above and identified in this
provision as appropriations either for "Lease payments to the
Master Lease Purchase Program" or for items with an "(MLPP)"
notation shall be expended only for the purpose of making
lease-purchase payments to the Texas Public Finance Authority
pursuant to the provisions of V.T.C.S., Art. 601d, Sec. 9A.
___1998___ ___1999___
Out of the General Revenue Fund:
a. Acquisition of Information Resource
(1) Mainframe Computer$ 111,920 $ 55,571
(2) Disk Drives $___30,000 $_________
b. Acquisition of Capital Equipment and Items
(1) Purchase of Personal Computers
(MLPP Payments for 1992-93
Acquisitions) $____2,728 $_________
$ 144,648
Total, Capital Budget <$__114,648> $___55,571
Amend Article VI of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page VI-13, appropriations for the General Land
Office, amend rider 18 as follows:
18. Appropriation: Veterans' Land Board Fee Receipts
and Unexpended Balances. There is hereby appropriated to the
General Land Office from the General Revenue Fund an amount equal
to the unexpended balance on hand of all fees and revenues
collected pursuant to Sections 161.069, 161.070, and 162,002,
Natural Resources Code, as of August 31, 1997. <In addition to the
amounts appropriated above, t>There are also appropriated <to the
General Land Office during each year of the biennium beginning with
the effective date of the Act> all fees and revenues collected
pursuant to Sections 161.069, 161.070, and 162.002, Natural
Resources Code, in excess of the amounts appropriated above, during
each fiscal year of the biennium beginning with the effective date
of this Act.
Amend Article VII of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page VII-7, appropriations to the Department of
Commerce, add a new rider to read as follows:
15. Unexpended Balances, Smart Jobs Fund. In addition
to the funds appropriated above, any balances up to $50 million
remaining in the Smart Jobs Fund established by Vernon's Texas Code
Annotated, Government Code Section 481.154 are hereby appropriated
for the biennium beginning September 1, 1997, for the purposes of
implementation and administration of the Smart Jobs Fund.
(2) On page VII-31, appropriations to the Texas Workforce
Commission, reduce the Number of Full-time Equivalent Positions
(FTE) positions by 144 in 1998 and 182 in 1999.
(3) On page VII-35, appropriations to the Texas Workforce
Commission, revise rider #26 as follows:
26. Adult Education and Literacy Training. Out of
funds appropriated above in Strategy B.1.1., the Texas Workforce
Commission, or certified Local Workforce Development Boards that
have a local plan approved by the Governor, shall use $2,500,000
each year of the biennium to provide basic education and literacy
training for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
(TANF) which meet the requirements of the Texas Education Code for
Adult Education Programs. A portion of these funds shall be used to
contract with community-based organizations with a minimum of two
years prior experience as a literacy provider.
(4) On VII-35, appropriations for the Texas Workforce
Commission, add the following new rider:
____. Reallocation of Personnel. Except for those
instances when a Local Workforce Development Board contracts with
the Texas Workforce Commission to provide services, it is the
intent of the Legislature that the Texas Workforce Commission
reduce the number of its employees in proportion to be transfer of
funds to be excpended by the Local Workforce Development Boards.
Amend Article XI of CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page XI-3, appropriations to the Trusteed Programs
within the Office of the Governor, change the second item reading
"Crime Stoppers Program" to "A.1.4., Criminal Justice."
(2) On page XI-7, appropriations to the Department of
Health, modify the rider titled "Texas Health Services Corps
Program for Medically Underserved Areas" by substituting the amount
of $330,000 for the amount of $3,300,000.
(3) On page XI-12, appropriations to the Higher Education
Coordinating Board, add the following item:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION $ 7,500,000 $ 7,500,000
(4) On page XI-20, appropriations for West Texas A&M
University, add the following:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
FRESHMAN YEAR INITIATIVE $ 400,000 $ 450,000
(5) On page XI-23, appropriations for Texas Woman's
University, add the following:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
A.3.3.:HEALTH TEACHING NETWORK $ 37,000 $ 37,000
A.3.5.:NURSE PRACTITIONER 56,487 56,487
B.2.1.:NUTRITION RESEARCH 60,000 73,800
C.1.1.:READING RECOVERY 149,000 154,000
D.4.5.:UTILITIES 609,131 734,004
(6) On page XI-34, appropriations for Texas Agricultural
Extension Service, add the following item:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
(7) On page XI-35, appropriations for Texas Forest Service,
add the following item:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
A.1.1., WILDFIRE PROGRAM $ 431,723 $ 313,723
(8) On page XI-40, appropriations for the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission, add the following rider:
Contingent Appropriations. Contingent upon the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Commission increasing fees, fines, and
surcharges, pursuant to Sec. 5.50 of the Alcoholic Beverage Code,
in an equal amount and providing such information as may be deemed
necessary by the Comptroller of Public Accounts to issue a finding
of fact that the increased revenues of $3,111,075 for the biennium
are estimated to be available in excess of the Comptroller's
Biennial Revenue Estimate, including supplemental estimates used in
certifying this act, will be available to fund the increased
appropriations and benefits, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Commission is here by appropriated $887,926 for fiscal year 1998
and $1,758,993 for fiscal year 1999 out of the General Revenue
(9) On page XI-50, after appropriations for the Board of Tax
Professional Examiners, add the following items:
For the Fiscal Year Ending
August_31,_1998 August_31,_1999
COMPUTER REPLACEMENT $ 35,000 $ 35,000
CONSUMER AFFAIRS 300,000 300,000