Amend CSHB 1 as follows: (1) On page IV-1, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Supreme Court of Texas as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $97,470 $97,470 Justice (8)94,686 (8)94,686 Clerk 59,167 59,167 (2) On page IV-2, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Court of Criminal Appeals as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Presiding Judge $97,470 $97,470 Judge (8)94,686 (8)94,686 Clerk 59,167 59,167 (3) On page IV-4, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the First Court of Appeals District, Houston as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (4) On page IV-5, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Second Court of Appeals District, Fort Worth as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 53,122 53,122 (5) On page IV-5, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Third Court of Appeals District, Austin as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (6) On page IV-6, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Fourth Court of Appeals District, San Antonio as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (7) On page IV-7, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Fifth Court of Appeals District, Dallas as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (8) On page IV-7, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Sixth Court of Appeals District, Texarkana as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 55,651 55,651 (9) On page IV-8, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Seventh Court of Appeals District, Amarillo as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 62,057 62,057 (10) On page IV-9, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Eighth Court of Appeals District, El Paso as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (11) On page IV-9, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Ninth Court of Appeals District, Beaumont as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 57,607 57,607 (12) On page IV-10, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Tenth Court of Appeals District, Waco as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (13) On page IV-11, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Eleventh Court of Appeals District, Eastland as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,592 50,592 (14) On page IV-11, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Twelfth Court of Appeals District, Tyler as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 56,886 56,886 (15) On page IV-12, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Thirteenth Court of Appeals District, Corpus Christi as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 50,591 50,591 (16) On page IV-13, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Fourteenth Court of Appeals District, Houston as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Chief Justice $90,482 $90,482 Justice (8)89,952 (8)89,952 Clerk 55,650 55,650 (17) On page IV-13, amend the Schedule of Exempt Positions for the Office of Court Administration, Texas Judicial Council as follows: Schedule of Exempt Positions Administrative Director, Group 4 $85,217 $85,217 Executive Attorney 63,664 63,664 Title IV-D Master 79,325 79,325