Amend CSHB 3 as follows: (1) On page 2, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: (d) In the first fiscal year for which the fund does not receive a direct state appropriation of state money, the comptroller, at the request of the board, shall transfer the balance of the fund to one or more depositories selected by the board as depositories for the corporation. On the date a transfer is made under this subsection, the fund is abolished. (2) On page 3, strike lines 16-27 and substitute the following: Sec. 109.032. BOARD OF DIRECTORS; PRESIDING OFFICER. (a) The corporation shall operate subject to the general supervision of a board of directors. The board of directors and the presiding officer of the board of directors are selected as provided by the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the corporation, in accordance with the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes). If required by the bylaws of the corporation, the board of directors may also include the following voting ex officio members: (1) the commissioner of health and human services or a person designated by the commissioner; (2) the commissioner of insurance or a person designated by the commissioner; and (3) the director of the Title IV-D agency, or a person designated by the director. (b) A member of the board may not serve more than two terms, without regard to whether the terms are consecutive. (c) A person is not eligible to serve on the board if the person or the person's spouse is employed by, represents in any capacity, owns, or controls any ownership interest in a business or organization: (1) that may obtain a pecuniary or other favorable interest in the course of a business activity with the corporation; or (2) from whom the corporation receives funds. (d) A person is not eligible to serve on the board if the person is or has been an adverse party in litigation against the board or corporation. (3) On page 2, line 16, between "REPORT." and "Not", insert "(a)". (4) On page 2, line 19, between "insurance." and "The", insert "(b)". (5) On page 2, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following: (c) The reporting requirement under this section only applies during a period in which: (1) the corporation receives state money under a direct state appropriation; or (2) a person appointed by the governor, other than an ex officio member of the board, is serving as a member of the board. (6) On page 4, strike lines 1-27. (7) On page 5, strike lines 1-5. (8) On page 7, line 5, between "109.064" and the period, insert "during a period in which: (1) the corporation receives state money under a direct state appropriation; or (2) a person appointed by the governor, other than an ex officio member of the board, is serving as a member of the board". (9) On page 7, line 21, between "AUDITOR." and "The", insert "(a)". (10) On page 7, line 23, between "Code" and the period, insert "only during a period in which: (1) the corporation receives state money under a direct state appropriation; or (2) a person appointed by the governor, other than an ex officio member of the board, is serving as a member of the board". (11) On page 7, line 23, between the period and "The", insert "(b)". (12) On page 11, strike lines 7-11 and substitute "Government Code, applies only during a period in which: (1) the corporation receives state money under a direct state appropriation; or (2) a person appointed by the governor, other than an ex officio member of the board, is serving as a member of the board." (13) On page 23, strike lines 1-7 and substitute the following: SECTION 4. (a) Notwithstanding Section 109.032, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, the initial board of directors of the Texas Healthy Kids Corporation appointed under this section shall be composed of: (1) six members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate; (2) the commissioner of health and human services or the commissioner's designee, who serves as a voting ex officio member; (3) the commissioner of insurance or the commissioner's designee, who serves as a voting ex officio member; and (4) the director of the Title IV-D agency, or the director's designee, who serves as a voting ex officio member. (b) The governor shall appoint the members of the board of directors appointed under Subsection (a)(1) of this section as soon as practical after the effective date of this Act. The terms of those members expire on September 1, 1999. (c) On expiration of the terms of the initial appointed members of the board, the governor shall appoint four members for terms expiring September 1, 2001, and two of the formerly appointed positions shall be filled as provided by the articles and bylaws of the corporation. (d) On expiration of the terms of the four members appointed under Subsection (c), the governor shall appoint two members to serve terms expiring September 1, 2003. The two other positions of the formerly appointed members shall be filled as provided by the articles and bylaws of the corporation. (e) After September 1, 2003, all members of the board of directors shall be selected as provided by Section 109.032, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. (f) A person is not eligible for appointment by the governor to the board of directors under this section if the person does not satisfy the requirements of Section 109.032, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. (g) The members of the board shall annually elect a member to serve as the presiding officer of the board. (h) Members of the board of directors appointed by the governor serving under this section serve without compensation, but are entitled to reimbursement of their travel expenses as provided for in the General Appropriations Act for state board or commission members. Money appropriated to the Texas Department of Insurance, the Health and Human Services Commission, or the Title IV-D agency may be spent, consistent with the General Appropriations Act, in connection with the work or expenses of the ex officio members of the initial board of directors. (i) This section expires September 1, 2003.