Floor Packet Page No. 20
      Amend CSHB 4 as follows:
      (1)  On page 12, line 21, between the period and "The",
insert "(a)".
      (2)  On page 12, between lines 25 and 26, insert the
      (b)  A district that grants an additional homestead exemption
under Section 11.13(d) or (n), Tax Code, shall compute and report
the amount of the value exempted under those sections from the
district's taxable value of property under Section 403.302(d),
Government Code, in accordance with procedures adopted by the
comptroller. For purposes of this section and Section 42.352, a
district may not receive state aid for that portion of the
district's total maintenance and operations rate that, when applied
to the taxable value of property in the district as determined
under Section 403.302(d), Government Code, equals the amount of the
tax that would have been levied on the value of property exempted
under Section 11.13(d) or (n), Tax Code.
      (3)  Strike SECTION 2.06 of the bill (page 110, line 18,
through page 112, line 19) and renumber the subsequent sections
      (4)  On page 128, line 8, strike "cents." and substitute the
cents; plus
            (C)  a rate that, when multiplied by the district's
taxable value of property for purposes of maintenance and
operations as determined under Section 403.302(d), Government Code,
equals the amount of the tax that would have been levied on the
value of property exempted under Section 11.13(d) or (n).