Amend the Garcia Amendment (page 348, amendment package) to CSHB 4 to read as follows: Amend CSHB 4 as follows: (1) On page 235, strike line 24 and substitute: (1) cuttinghorses, mules, and work animals, other than horses that are not cutting horses; (2) On page 376, line 4, through page 377, line 21, strike Sections 16.01 and 16.02 of the bill. (3) On page 377, line 22, strike "SECTION 16.03" and substitute "SECTION 16.01". (4) On page 378, line 1, strike "3.25" and substitute "2.2". (5) On page 378, line 21, strike "SECTION 16.04" and substitute "SECTION 16.02".