Amend the Smithee Amendment to CSHB 4 to read as follows:
      (1)  On page 150, strike lines 1-27 and on page 151, strike
lines 1-4.
      (2)  On page 151, in SECTION 3.01, renumber Subdivisions
(16)-(19) of amended Section 171.001(a), Tax Code, as Subdivisions
      (3)  On page 159, strike lines 18-26 and substitute:
                  "(2)  apportioning the taxable entity's taxable
capital to this state as provided by Section 171.106(a) to
determine the entity's apportioned taxable capital; and
                  (3)  subtracting from the amount computed under
Subdivision (2) any other allowable deductions to determine the
taxable entity's net taxable capital."
      (4)  On page 173, strike lines 9-14 and substitute:
            "(C)  subtracting dividends received from a".
      (5)  On page 173, line 19, strike "(E)" and substitute "(D)".
      (6)  On page 177, strike line 8, and substitute "$200,000 in
guaranteed payments made to, and ordinary income from trade or
business activities allocated to, each partner;".
      (7)  On page 178, strike lines 11-27 and on page 179, strike
lines 1-8.
      (8)  Add to Article 4 an appropriately numbered SECTION to
read as follows:
      SECTION 4.____.  Subchapter H, Chapter 151, Tax Code, is
amended by adding Section 151.3112 to read as follows:
EXEMPTED. The first $50 of the total sale price for the labor to
perform a motor vehicle repair service is exempted from the taxes
imposed by this chapter. For purposes of this section, any motor
vehicle repair service performed by the same person on the same
vehicle within a seven-day period is considered to be one motor
vehicle repair service.
      (9)  Renumber subsequent sections of the bill appropriately.