Floor Packet Page No. 260
      Amend CSHB 4 by inserting the following appropriately
numbered sections in Article 4 of the bill and renumbering existing
sections in Article 4 accordingly:
      SECTION 4.__.  Subchapter A, Chapter 151, Tax Code, is
amended by adding Section 151.01032 to read as follows:
      Sec. 151.01032.  "TELEPHONE PREPAID CALLING CARD".
"Telephone prepaid calling card" means a card or other item,
including an access code, that represents the right to make one or
more telephone calls for which payment is made in incremental
amounts and before the call is initiated.
      SECTION 4.__.  Section 151.009, Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
      Sec. 151.009.  "TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY".  "Tangible
personal property" means personal property that can be seen,
weighed, measured, felt, or touched or that is perceptible to the
senses in any other manner, and, for the purposes of this chapter,
the term includes a computer program and a telephone prepaid
calling card.
      SECTION 4.__.  Section 151.0103, Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
      Sec. 151.0103.  TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES.  (a)  For the
purposes of this title only, "telecommunications services" means
the electronic or electrical transmission, conveyance, routing, or
reception of sounds, signals, data, or information utilizing wires,
cable, radio waves, microwaves, satellites, fiber optics, or any
other method now in existence or that may be devised, including but
not limited to long-distance telephone service.  The term does not
            (1)  the <The> storage of data or information for
subsequent retrieval or the processing, or reception and
processing, of data or information intended to change its form or
content; or
            (2)  the sale or use of a telephone prepaid calling
      (b)  The sale or use of a telephone prepaid calling card is
considered to be a sale or use of tangible personal property. <are
not included in "telecommunications services.">