Amend HB 9 in SECTION 5 of the bill as follows:
      (1)  In Section 54.633, Education Code, strike Subsections
(a)(1) and (2) (page 4, lines 7-11, house engrossment), as amended
by the bill and substitute the following:
            (1)  economic or <and> academic requirements adopted by
the board; or
            (2)  economic or academic requirements established by
the  board of a direct-support organization that are approved by
the  board <by rule>.
      (2)  Strike Section 54.633(d), Education Code (page 4, lines
22 and 23, house engrossment), and substitute the following:
      (d)  Scholarships under this section may be <are> funded by
the private sector, the state, or a local government of the state.
      (3)  Strike Section 54.633(e)(3), Education Code, as added by
the bill (page 5, lines 5 and 6, house engrossment), and substitute
the following:
            (3)  establish economic and academic eligibility
requirements that are approved by the board.