Amend CSHB 92 as follows:
      (1)  On page 46, line 7, strike "(i-1)" and substitute "(s)".
      (2)  On page 46, strike lines 8-10 and substitute the
      (s)(1)  A city that creates or has created a corporation
governed by this section may submit to the voters of the city, at a
separate election to be held on a uniform election date or at an
election held under another provision of this Act, including the
election at which the proposition to initially authorize the
collection of a sales and use tax for the benefit of the
corporation is submitted, a ballot proposition that authorizes the
corporation to use the sales and use tax, including any amount
previously authorized and collected, for a specific project or for
a specific category of projects, including a sports venue and
related infrastructure, that does not qualify under this section
but qualifies under Section 4B of this Act. Prior approval of a
specific project at an election or completion of a specific project
approved at an election does not prohibit a city from seeking voter
approval of an additional project or category of projects under
this subsection to be funded from the same sales and use tax.
      (2)  In the election to authorize the use of the sales or use
tax for a specific project or for a specific category of projects
not authorized under this section, including a sports venue and
related infrastructure, the project or category of projects must be
clearly described on the ballot so that a voter will be able to
discern the limits of the specific project or category of projects
authorized by the proposition. If maintenance and operating costs
of an otherwise authorized facility are to be paid from the sales
or use tax, the ballot language must clearly state that fact.
      (3)  Before an election may be held under this subsection, a
public hearing shall be held in the city to inform the residents of
the city of the cost and impact of the project or category of
projects. At least 30 days before the date set for the hearing, a
notice of the date, time, place, and subject of the hearing shall
be published in a newspaper with general circulation in the city in
which the project is located. The notice shall be published on a
weekly basis until the date of the hearing.
      (4)  If a majority of the voters voting on the issue do not
approve a specific project or a specific category of projects at an
election under this subsection, another election may not be held on
the same project or category of projects before the first
anniversary of the date of the most recent election disapproving
the project or category of projects.
      (5)  In this subsection:
      (3)  On page 46, line 11, strike "(1)" and substitute "(A)".
      (4)  On page 46, line 13, strike "(2)" and substitute "(B)".
      (5)  On page 46, line 15, strike "(A)" and substitute "(i)".
      (6)  On page 46, line 18, strike "(B)" and substitute "(ii)".
      (7)  On page 46, strike lines 23-27 and on page 47, strike
lines 1-25, and substitute the following:
adding Subsections (a-3) and (a-4) to read as follows:
      (a-3)(1)  A city that creates or has created a corporation
governed by this section may submit to the voters of the city, at a
separate election to be held on a uniform election date or at an
election held under another provision of this Act, including the
election at which the proposition to initially authorize the
collection of a sales and use tax for the benefit of the
corporation is submitted, a ballot proposition that authorizes the
corporation to use the sales and use tax, including any amount
previously authorized and collected, for a specific sports venue
project, including related infrastructure, or for a specific
category of sports venue projects, including related
infrastructure.  Prior approval of a specific sports venue project
at an election or completion of a specific sports venue project
approved at an election does not prohibit a city from seeking voter
approval of an additional project or category of projects under
this subsection to be funded from the same sales and use tax.
      (2)  In the election to authorize the use of the sales or use
tax for a specific sports venue project or for a specific category
of sports venue projects, the project or category of projects must
be clearly described on the ballot so that a voter will be able to
discern the limits of the specific project or category of projects
authorized by the proposition. If maintenance and operating costs
of an otherwise authorized facility are to be paid from the sales
or use tax, the ballot language must clearly state that fact.
      (3)  Before an election may be held under this subsection, a
public hearing shall be held in the city to inform the residents of
the city of the cost and impact of the project or category of
projects. At least 30 days before the date set for the hearing, a
notice of the date, time, place, and subject of the hearing shall
be published in a newspaper with general circulation in the city in
which the project is located. The notice shall be published on a
weekly basis until the date of the hearing.
      (4)  If a majority of the voters voting on the issue do not
approve a specific sports venue project or a specific category of
sports venue projects at an election under this subsection, another
election may not be held on the same project or category of
projects before the first anniversary of the date of the most
recent election disapproving the project or category of projects.