Amend CSHB 92, as follows: (1) Delete all language beginning with and including the hyphenated underlined word "SHORT-TERM" on page 8, line 8-35, and ending with and including the underlined period following the underlined letter "F" on page 10, line 10-56. (2) On page 12, line 12-5, delete the underlined letter "G" and insert the following after the word "SUBCHAPTER": "F". (3) On page 13, line 13-14, delete the underlined letter "H" and insert the following after the word "SUBCHAPTER": "G". (4) On page 14, line 14-35, delete the underlined letter "I" and insert the following after the word "SUBCHAPTER": "H". (5) On page 15, line 15-55, delete the underlined letter "J" and insert the following after the word "SUBCHAPTER": "I".