Amend HB 376 as follows: (1) Replace the words "Section 15A to read as follows:" on page 1, line 7, of the bill with the words "Sections 15A and 15B to read as follows:". (2) Insert the following new language between lines 9 and 10 of page 1 of the bill: Sec. 15B. The District shall take all action, including issuing bonds for facilities, deemed necessary and desirable by the Board to conserve and protect the water in the Edwards Aquifer, including the development of alternate water supplies to its customers such as surface water sources and reuse or retreatment of water owned by the District. In that connection, the District may issue bonds and may acquire, construct, purchase, improve, renovate, or take any other similar action to provide facilities designed to achieve such purposes, including, but not limited to, entering into installment purchase or sale agreements, lease purchase agreements, leases, construction contracts, or similar agreements with any person upon the terms and containing the provisions determined by the Board, in its sole discretion, to be advantageous to the District.