Amend CSHB 1144 as follows:
      1.  On page 26, lines 5-6, strike "a licensed veterinarian,
as provided by Section 76.105(a)" and substitute therefor "a person
who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine by the State Board
of Veterinary Medical Examiners".
      2.  On page 34, line 16, add "or" after ";", and on line 18,
strike "; or" and add ".".
      3.  On page 34, strike lines 19-22.
      4.  On page 53, after line 23, add the following:
other provisions of this chapter notwithstanding, a person who is
licensed to practice veterinary medicine by the State Board of
Veterinary Medical Examiners and who is only using a restricted-use
or state-limited-use pesticide or a regulated herbicide as a drug
or medication during the course of the veterinarian's normal
practice or as a private applicator may not be required to obtain a
license under this chapter to purchase or use the restricted-use or
state-limited-use pesticide or regulated herbicide.