Amend CSHB 1212 as follows:
(1) Add a new part, appropriately numbered, to read as
SECTION __.01. SECTION 172.014, Local Government Code, is
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 172.014. APPLICATION OF CERTAIN LAWS. (a) Except as
provided by Subsection (b), a <A> risk pool created under this
chapter is not insurance or an insurer under the Insurance Code and
other laws of this state, and the commissioner of insurance State
Board of Insurance does not have jurisdiction over a pool created
under this chapter.
(b) A health and accident coverage provided by a risk pool
is subject to a mandated benefit provision described by Subsection
(c). The commissioner of insurance may enforce this subsection as
if a risk pool were an insurance company authorized to do business
in this state and may adopt rules as necessary to implement this
(c) For purposes of this section, "mandated benefit
provision" means a statute or a rule adopted by the commissioner of
insurance that requires that any health benefit plan:
(1) cover a particular health care service or provide
a particular benefit;
(2) cover a particular class of person; or
(3) provide for the reimbursement, use, or
consideration of a particular category of health care practitioner.
(2) Renumber subsequent parts of the bill appropriately.