Amend CSHB 1445 as follows:
      On page 46, line 19, at the end of Section 33 of the bill,
add the following subsection:
      (1)  Notwithstanding other provisions of law, a greyhound
racing association and the state greyhound breed registry must by
contract agree that each simulcast contract to which the greyhound
racing association is a party, including a simulcast contract with
a horse racing association or a simulcast contract with another
greyhound racing association, includes terms that provide
adequately for the development of greyhound racing in this state.
If a greyhound racing association and the state greyhound breed
registry fail to reach an agreement, the racing association or the
breed registry may submit the contract negotiations for binding
arbitration under Chapter 171, Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
and rules adopted by the commission. The arbitration must be
conducted by a board of three arbitrators. The greyhound racing
association shall appoint one arbitrator. The state greyhound breed
registry shall appoint one arbitrator. The arbitrators appointed by
the greyhound racing association and the state greyhound breed
registry shall appoint the third arbitrator. A greyhound racing
association and the state greyhound breed registry shall each pay
their own arbitration expenses. The greyhound racing association
and the state greyhound breed registry shall equally pay the
arbitrator fees and costs.