Amend CSHB 1445 by adding a new SECTION, appropriately
numbered, to read as follows:
      SECTION _____.  Section 151.0035, Tax Code, is amended to
read as follows:
      Sec. 151.0035.  "Data Processing Service"
      "Data processing service" includes word processing, data
entry, data retrieval, data search, information compilation,
payroll and business accounting data production, the performance of
a totalisator service with the use of computational equipment
required by the Texas Racing Act, (Article 179e, Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes) and other computerized data and information storage
of manipulation.  "Data processing service" also includes the use
of a computer or computer time for data processing whether the
processing is performed by the provider of the computer or computer
time or by the purchaser or other beneficiary of the service.