CSHB 1595, First Printing, is amended on page 46, after line
25, by adding a new Section 26 to the bill to read as follows and
by renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly:
      SECTION 26.  (a) Notwithstanding the terms of Section
5.02(b)(25), Texas Motor Vehicle Commission Code (Article 4413(36),
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), a person who, on June 7, 1995, held
both a Motor Home Dealer's license and a Motor Home Manufacturer's
license issued pursuant to the terms of the Texas Motor Vehicle
Commission Code (Article 4413(36), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
may hold both a Motor Home Dealer's license and Motor Home
Manufacturer's license as those terms are defined by the Texas
Motor Vehicle Commission Code (Article 4413(36), Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes).
      (b) Subsection (a) of this section authorizes a person to
operate as a manufacturer and a dealer of no vehicle or type of
vehicle except a motor home as that term is defined by the Texas
Motor Vehicle Commission Code (Article 4413(36), Vernon's Texas
Civil Statutes).