Amend HB 1630 in Section 1 of the bill, in proposed Section
143.028 of the Agriculture Code by adding the following:
      (a)  A person is not required to fence against animals that
are not permitted to run at large.  In any county in this State, a
person may fence against animals that are permitted to run at
large.  Except as otherwise provided by this section, a fence is
sufficient ]Lfor purposes of this chapter   if it is sufficient to keep
out ordinary livestock permitted to run at large.
      On page 1, line 8 of paragraph B, insert "in or" between the
words "animals" and "out of".
      Insert:  (c)  For any agriculture activity, in any county in
this State, a person may construct or maintain a fence on their
property of any height and degree of impregnability.