Amend HB 1734 as follows: Strike subsection (e) of SECTION 1 of the bill (Engrossed printing page 1, line 19 through page 2, line 12) and substitute the following: (e) The Board shall direct the Commissioner to appoint a committee to develop a plan which recommends: (1) the most efficient and effective number of local authorities; (2) the scope of responsibilities to be delegated by the state authority to the local authority; (3) criteria by which local authorities shall be selected, including: (A) demonstrated ability to assure consumer and family member participation in service planning and service evaluation; (B) ability to demonstrate public accountability for service costs, quality, and outcomes for persons served; (C) demonstrated ability to assemble and manage a network of service providers, assuring consumer choice; (D) demonstrated ability to coordinate and direct a comprehensive array of mental health or mental retardation services; and (E) a requirement that local authorities comply with V.T.C.A. Government Code Chapters 551 and 552; (4) a selection process that: (A) allows all qualified and interested entities to be fairly and objectively considered for the designation as a local authority; and (B) results in a final selection that is based on cost effectiveness and ultimately the best interest of consumers and their families; (5) criteria to ensure that contracting by the local authorities with providers: (A) allows all qualified providers to be eligible to compete for contracts; (B) results in the selection of the best bid, evaluated by cost-effectiveness and quality; and (C) promotes choice by consumers among services and service providers; (6) a time frame for implementation; and (7) strategies to ensure that services are not disrupted. (f) The Commissioner shall assure that: (1) the committee membership includes an equal number of representatives of consumers, family members, existing local authorities, and private sector entities, including not for profit and for profit entities; (2) safeguards are established to prevent any member from participating in the adoption of specific selection or bid criteria, any committee decision or any other action that may result in an unfair competitive advantage or otherwise compromise the selection process; and (3) the committee deliberations are fully accessible to the public with ample opportunities for public input and participation. (g) The plan approved by the committee shall be submitted to the Board for approval. Prior to approval of the plan, the Board shall provide: (1) public notice of its intent to consider the proposed plan; (2) an opportunity for public hearings on the proposed plan; and (3) public access to the proposed plan. (h) The Board shall submit the approved plan to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and the House Public Health Committee by September 1, 1998.