Amend HB 1886 as follows:
      In SECTION 1, Section 61.003, subsection (a), (committee
printing page 1, lines 12-26), strike
      "(a)  A person responsible under Section 62.013 or 62.014 for
summoning prospective jurors to appear for jury service shall
provide to each prospective juror a form letter that when signed by
the prospective juror directs the county treasurer to donate all or
part of the prospective juror's reimbursement for jury service to:"
and substitute the following:
      "(a)  Each <A person responsible under Section 62.013 or
62.014 for summoning prospective jurors to appear for jury service
shall provide to each> prospective juror reporting for jury service
shall be provided a form letter that when signed by the prospective
juror directs the county treasurer to donate all <or part> of the
prospective juror's reimbursement for jury service to:"