Amend HB 1916 by striking page 1, line 24 and page 2, lines 1
- 12, and substituting the following:
      (a)  A county criminal court in Tarrant County has
jurisdiction over all criminal matters and causes, original and
appellate, prescribed by law for county courts, but does not have
civil jurisdiction. The County Criminal Courts Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6
of Tarrant County also have concurrent jurisdiction within the
county of all appeals from criminal convictions under the laws of
this state and the municipal ordinances of the municipalities
located in Tarrant County that are appealed from the justice courts
and municipal courts in the county. The County Criminal Courts Nos.
5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Tarrant County also have concurrent
jurisdiction with the district court in felony cases to conduct
arraignments, conduct pretrial hearings, and accept guilty pleas.