Please amend HB 2102 as follows:
      On page 1, line 6, strike "closed" and reinsert "Public
Access To".
      On page 1, line 8, strike "close" and reinsert "open".
      On page 1, line 8, reinsert "unless the court, for good cause
shown, determines that the public should be excluded".
      On page 1, line 11, section (b), strike "Except as provided
by Subsection (c), the".
      On page 1, line 11, reinsert "The" before "court".
      On page 1, line 14, strike "." and insert, "unless the victim
or member of the victim's family is to testify in the hearing or
any subsequent hearing relating to the conduct and the court
determines that the victim's or family member's testimony would be
materially affected if the victim or member of the victim's family
hears other testimony at trial".
      On page 1, line 15, strike section (c).
      On page 1, line 21, list section (d) as section (c).
      On page 1, line 23, following section (c), insert new section
      (d)  If a child is under the age of 14 at the time of the
hearing, the court shall close the hearing to the public, unless
the court finds that the interests of the child or the interests of
the public would be better served by opening the hearing to the