Amend HB 2133 (committee printing) as follows:
1). On page 1, line 46, strike Subsection (c) and substitute
the following:
"(c) The office is administratively attached to the office
of the attorney general and the office of the attorney general
shall provide the facilities for the office, but the office shall
be independent of the office of the attorney general's direction."
2). On page 2, line 35, following "agencies", insert "any
anticipated changes in agencies' workforces".
3). On page 2, line 56, following "Appropriations Act.",
insert "For the first biennium that the allocation program is in
effect, an agency whose worker's compensation claim costs exceed
the amount allocated shall pay the additional costs from the
agency's regular appropriated funds up to an amount equal to 50
percent of the total amount allocated to the agency. After the
first biennium, the <The>"
3). On page 9, line 29, add the following to the end of
Subsection (a), SECTION 10:
"No indirect funding or indirect full time equivalent
employees (FTEs) associated with the Division of Worker's
Compensation in the Office of the Attorney General and Division of
Risk Management in the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission shall
be transferred to the State Office of Risk Management. All
indirect funding associated with each division shall be credited to
the accounts of each agency, as provided in the General
Appropriations Act. All indirect full time equivalent employees
(FTEs) associated with each division shall remain with each