Amend CSHB 2295 as follows:
      (1)  On page 10, line 13, add new subsection "(a)  At the
time an excavator provides a notification center with the
excavator's intent to excavate, the notification center shall
advise the excavator that water, slurry, and sewage underground
facilities in the area of the proposed excavation may not receive
information concerning the excavator's proposed excavation." and
renumber subsequent subsections accordingly.
      (2)  On page 13, line 10, strike "specific".
      (3)  On page 13, line 13, strike "specific".
      (4)  On page 13, line 23, strike all of subsection (6), and
renumber subsequent subsections accordingly.
      (5)  On page 12, line 19, after "holidays." insert "
Provided, however, if an excavator makes a Saturday notification,
then the excavator can begin the excavation the following Tuesday
at 11:59 a.m. unless the intervening Monday is a holiday. If the
intervening Monday is a holiday, then the excavator can begin the
excavation the following Wednesday at 11:59 a.m.
      (6)  On page 18, line 2, after "holidays," insert "11:59 a.m.
on the Tuesday following a Saturday notification unless the
intervening Monday is a holiday, 11:59 a.m. on the Wednesday
following a Saturday notification if the intervening Monday is a
      (7)  On page 18, line 14, add subsection "(d)   An excavator
who has fully complied with this act may not be liable for damage
to an underground facility that was not marked in accordance with
this Act."
      (8)  On page 21, line 7, following "repairs" strike the
period and insert "and the repairs must be made in an expeditious
      (9)  On page 5, line 22, add subsection "(7)  The provisions
of this Act are inapplicable to contractors working in the public
right-of-way pursuant to a contract with the Texas Department of