Amend HCR 79 to read as follows:
      On page 2, strike lines 13 through 26, and substitute the
      "RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby official express its support of the on-going Community
Transportation Coordination Pilot Programs and encourage the Texas
Health and Human Services Commission, the Texas Department of
Transportation and the Agency Transportation Coordinating Council
to further their efforts to maximize and coordinate available
transportation funding and services through the existing network of
general public transportation providers in the state and by
developing a method for providing client transportation services in
those areas of the state not currently served by public
transportation; and, be it further
      RESOLVED, That the results of the pilot programs and other
coordination-related activities facilitated by the Health and Human
Services Commission, the Texas Department of Transportation, the
Agency Transportation Coordinating Council and participating public
transit systems, be reported to the 76th Texas Legislature when it
convenes in January 1999; and, be it further
      RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official
copy of this resolution to the commissioner of health and human
services, the Texas Transportation Commission and the members of
the Agency Transportation Coordinating Council."