Amend the Grusendorf amendment to CSHJR 4 to read as follows:
      Amend CSHJR 4 as follows:
      (1)  Strike page 2, lines 7-26 and substitute the following:
      2.  Ad valorem taxes may be imposed by the legislature at a
rate not to exceed $1.05 for each $100 of taxable value for
elementary and secondary public free schools purposes on property
not subject to taxation for maintenance and operations purposes by
a school district and not otherwise exempted by this constitution
or by the legislature under the authority of this constitution.
The legislature may provide for the  appraisal of property subject
to State ad valorem taxes, for the equalization of the taxable
values of that property, and for the collection of the State ad
valorem taxes imposed on that property  <All receipts from
previously authorized State ad valorem taxes that are collected on
or after  the effective date of the 1982 amendment to this section
shall be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the county
collecting the taxes and may be expended for county purposes.
Receipts from taxes collected before that date shall be distributed
by the legislature among institutions eligible to receive
distributions under prior law.  Those receipts and receipts
distributed under prior law may be expended for the purposes
provided under prior law or for repair and renovation of existing
permanent improvements>.
      (2)  Strike page 3, lines 18-27, and page 4, lines 1-13, and
substitute the following:
      Sec. 3.  (a)  One-fourth of the revenue derived from the
State occupation taxes <and poll tax of one dollar on every
inhabitant of the  State, between the ages of twenty-one and sixty
years,> shall be set apart annually for the benefit of the public
free schools; and in addition thereto, there shall be levied and
collected an annual ad valorem State tax as provided by Subsection
2, Section 1-e, Article VIII, of this constitution <of such an
amount  not to exceed  thirty-five cents on the one hundred
($100.00) dollars valuation, as with the available school fund
arising from all other sources, will be sufficient> to maintain and
support the public schools of this State.  Money received by the
State from the operation of  lotteries authorized by Section 47(e),
Article III, of this constitution, less amounts paid for lottery
prizes and administrative costs, may be spent only for elementary
and secondary public free schools.  The <for a period  of not less
than six months in each year, and it shall be the duty of the>
State Board of Education shall <to> set aside a sufficient amount
of State funds <out of the said tax> to provide free text books for
the use of children attending the public free schools of this
State.  If<; provided, however, that should the limit of> taxation
and  revenue described by this subsection are <herein named be>
insufficient, the deficit may be met by appropriation from the
general  funds of the State.
      (3)  On page 5, line 1, strike "<free>" and substitute