Amend SB 17 as follows:
      (1)  In the recital of SECTION 1 of the bill (House Committee
Printing, page 1, line 4), strike "Section 264.032" and substitute
"Sections 264.032, 264.033, and 264.034".
      (2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 264.032,
Health and Safety Code, strike Subsection (b) (House Committee
Printing, page 1, lines 11-15) and substitute the following:
      (b)  To secure a loan, the board may pledge:
            (1)  revenues of the authority that are not pledged to
pay bonded indebtedness of the authority;
            (2)  authority bonds that have been authorized but not
sold; or
            (3)  revenues of the authority if the pledge is
subordinate to any pledge securing outstanding bonds of the
      (3)  Between SECTIONS 1 and 2 of the bill (House Committee
Printing, page 2, between lines 2 and 3), insert the following:
      Sec. 264.033.  TIME WARRANTS.  The authority may issue time
warrants in the manner in which a commissioners court may issue
time warrants under the Bond and Warrant Law of 1931 (Article
2368a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
THE ELDERLY.  (a)  The authority may construct, acquire, own,
operate, enlarge, improve, furnish, equip, or provide the following
facilities and services to care for the disabled or the elderly:
            (1)  a nursing home or similar long-term care facility;
            (2)  elderly housing;
            (3)  assisted living services;
            (4)  home health care;
            (5)  personal care;
            (6)  special care;
            (7)  continuing care; or
            (8)  durable medical equipment.
      (b)  The authority may lease or enter into an operations or
management agreement to care for the disabled or the elderly under
Subsection (a).
      (c)  The authority may sell, transfer, otherwise convey, or
close all or part of a facility described by Subsection (a)  and
discontinue a service described by Subsection (a).
      (d)  The authority may issue revenue bonds, notes, and time
warrants as provided by this chapter to acquire, construct, or
improve a facility described by Subsection (a).
      (e)  For purposes of Chapter 223, a facility or service
described by Subsection (a) is a hospital project.