Amend SB 160 on third reading as follows:
      (1)  In the recital to SECTION 1 (house committee printing,
page 1, line 4), between "by" and "adding", insert "amending
Subsection (c) and by".
      (2)  In SECTION 1, in Section 37.09, Penal Code (house
committee printing, page 1, lines 6-10), strike proposed Subsection
(d) and substitute the following:
      (c)  An offense under Subsection (a) or Subsection (d)(1)
<this section> is a felony of the third degree. An offense under
Subsection (d)(2) is a Class A misdemeanor.
      (d)  A person commits an offense if the person:
            (1)  knowing that an offense has been committed,
alters, destroys, or conceals any record, document, or thing with
intent to impair its verity, legibility, or availability as
evidence in any subsequent investigation of or official proceeding
related to the offense; or
            (2)  observes human remains under circumstances in
which a reasonable person would believe that an offense had been
committed, knows or reasonably should know that a law enforcement
agency is not aware of the existence of or location of the remains,
and fails to report the existence of and location of the remains to
a law enforcement agency.