Amend SECTION 1 of SB 173 as follows:
      (1)  At the end of Subdivision (2), Subsection (a) of added
Article 5A.04, Revised Statutes (page 5, line 10, Introduced
Version), strike "or".
      (2)  At the end of Subdivision (3), Subsection (a) of added
Article 5A.04, Revised Statutes (page 5, line 14, Introduced
Version), strike the period and substitute "; or".
      (3)  After Subdivision (3), Subsection (a) of added Article
5A.04, Revised Statutes (page 5, after line 14, Introduced
Version), add the following:
            "(4)  a person contracted to make, originate, or
arrange loans qualified for purchase by the Federal National
Mortgage Association or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation."