Amend SB 247 by inserting the following new sections,
appropriately numbered, and renumbering the subsequent sections
      SECTION ____.  Section 25.095, Education Code, is amended to
read as follows:
      Sec. 25.095.  WARNING NOTICE.  (a)  A school district shall
notify a student's parent in writing if:
            (1)  <,> in a six-month period, the student has been
absent without an excuse five times for any part of the day; or
            (2)  in a four-week period, the student has been absent
without an excuse two times for any part of the day.
      (b)  The notice must state that if the student is absent
without an excuse for 10 or more days or parts of days in a
six-month period or for three or more days or parts of days in a
four-week period:
            (1)  the student's parent is subject to prosecution
under Section 25.093; and
            (2)  the student is subject to prosecution under
Section 25.094.
      (c) <(b)>  Notice is not required under this section if the
student is a party to a juvenile court proceeding for conduct
described by Section 51.03(b)(2), Family Code.
      (d) <(c)>  The fact that a parent did not receive a notice
under this section does not create a defense to prosecution under
Section 25.093 or 25.094.
      (e) <(d)>  In this section, "parent" includes a person
standing in parental relation.
      SECTION ____.  The change in law made by this Act to Section
25.095, Education Code, applies beginning with the 1997-1998 school