Amend SB 349 as follows:
      (1)  Add the following appropriately numbered section:
      SECTION ____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 107, Family Code, is
amended by adding Section 107.017 to read as follows:
      Sec. 107.017.  IMMUNITY.  (a)  An attorney ad litem appointed
under this subchapter is not liable for civil damages arising from
a recommendation made or an opinion given in the capacity of
attorney ad litem.
      (b)  Subsection (a)  does not apply to a recommendation or
opinion that is:
            (1)  wilfully wrongful;
            (2)  given with conscious indifference or reckless
disregard to the safety of another;
            (3)  given in bad faith or with malice; or
            (4)  grossly negligent.
      (2)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section
264.607(a)(3)(A), Family Code (committee printing, page 8, line
21), between "information" and "to", insert "in writing".
      (3)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section
264.607(a)(3)(A), Family Code (committee printing, page 8, line
22), between "court" and "regarding", insert "and to counsel for
the parties involved".
      (4)  In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section
264.607(a)(3)(D), Family Code (committee printing, page 9, line 3),
between "reports" and "to", insert "in writing".
      (5)  Renumber the sections of the bill appropriately.