Amend CSSB 359 as follows: (1) In SECTION 14 of the bill, in amended Section 40.061(c), Human Resources Code, strike "investigation or" (page 15, line 22, House Committee Printing) and substitute "investigation,". (2) In SECTION 14 of the bill, in amended Section 40.061(c), Human Resources Code, strike lines 23-26 (page 15, lines 23-26, House Committee Printing) and substitute the following: "child abuse is an element, or in the preparation of the suit or prosecution: (1) commits or attempts to commit perjury; (2) fabricates or attempts to fabricate evidence; (3) knowingly conceals or fails to disclose information that may lead to a finding that a person alleged to have committed child abuse did not commit child abuse; or (4) violates state or federal law in the investigation or prosecution of the suit."